Preserving the environment and human health

Today more than ever, the crop protection industry is shaken by the threat of climate change. But also by the growing controversy over pesticides toxic to soil, animals, and humans. The clear challenge of this century is to ensure food security without compromising health and the environment.

We believe in taking inspiration from nature and going back to basics! That is, we need to understand plant biology to provide healthy and sustainable solutions. Changes in consumer opinion regarding the preservation of health and the environment should not be overlooked. These changes are reflected in the new political will for the design of new, more natural, and healthy products.

Plant protection is a major public health issue. This is why Elysia Bioscience focuses on R&D in agroecology.


In fact, a new sector has been booming in recent years: that of biocontrol. What is it? and what does it do?

The idea is simple: To develop products that exploit natural mechanisms within the framework of integrated pest management (environmental stress and diseases). All the more so given that the Biocontrol sector represents 11% of the plant protection market in 2019, and the 6th consecutive year increase in this market.

In this context, there is a strong push on the part of manufacturers towards innovative research for molecules respectful of the environment and health.

Facilitate and revitalize your R&D

The ability of plants to resist stress can be improved by these natural products. However, they must meet certain criteria, and our R&D is here to provide information on:

  • The mechanism of action and the natural response of plants
  • Specific and global defense and growth responses of plants
  • The level of risk to health or the environment

Think of your products differently!

The ability of plants to defend themselves against the attack of a pathogen is associated with changes in the expression of many proteins related to energy production.

Indeed, a product development strategy based on plant energy modulation offers an alternative to conventional phytosanitary products used to control plant diseases.

Our R&D provides information on all the energy components that are linked to the mechanisms of action underlying the efficiency of these new products.

Elysia Bioscience accompanies you in the energy assessment of your products, essential for their safe development.

Analytical information for your dossier of marketing authorization

Need scientific evidence to support your marketing authorization dossier? Elysia Bioscience can support you in your R&D process thanks to our expertise in energetics and our technological tools, which will allow you to scientifically support your marketing authorization applications. You will be able to:

  • Confirm and/or discover potential applications
  • Understand the mechanism of action of your products
  • Evaluate effectiveness on plants and cytotoxicity in humans

Optimizing your R&D with Elysia Bioscience

By collaborating with Elysia Bioscience, you will invest your funding wisely, carrying out innovative R&D projects at the cutting edge of technology. In addition, you’ll have all our expertise to accompany you throughout your project, to save you time and money (no payroll, no equipment to finance and maintain).

Our offer is designed to support you in your R&D, and thereby facilitate the development of more effective products, without risk to health and the environment.

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